Lower case keyboard stickers NSW Foundation Font x10
Aussie Kids Software
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Lower case ACT / NSW Foundation Font computer keyboard stickers x10
Pre-orders accepted if out of stock.
Lower case letters are perfect for young children learning the ACT or NSW Foundation Font style of writing.
These Australian-made non-transparent keyboard stickers with white lower case on black background for desktop, laptop or notebook are perfect for young school children.
Please note that there are no removable stickers available, they will all leave both adhesive and paper behind on attempted removal.
If you are from a school or organisation and wish to purchase these for your lab or classroom and they are out of stock, please contact us as they can be ordered in for you.
Don't waste money on a special lower case keyboard when you can buy a cheap set of lower case keyboard stickers to alter an existing or cheap computer keyboard.
Helps children with QWERTY location recognition prior to learning touch typing, in a font that is familiar to them from school handwriting lessons.
Lower case keyboard stickers suitable for Australian children